Hi Gang, Canada has some wonderful botany-related resources. One of my favorites (known to me only from the Internet) is the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research. I have browsed through the Web site many times and always find something new to learn when I visit. One feature is the Botany Photo of the Day. Today the photo shows Colchicum flowers in bloom, in a garden in Ukraine. Most of the time each image is accompanied by some commentary or useful information. LINK: Botany Photo of the Day, January 15, 2007 http://ubcbotanicalgarden.org/potd/2007/… Another photo that I really like depicts Puya santosii in bloom, a terrestrial bromeliad. Puya is not a bulb or geophyte, but I enjoy growing terrestrial bromeliads and Puya's produce some beautiful flowers. Some Puya spp. are hardy here (to 20 F or so) and enjoy the year-round Gulf Coast humidity. LINK: Botany Photo of the Day, December 9, 2006 http://ubcbotanicalgarden.org/potd/2006/… I guess y'all can figure out where I spend some time on the Internet, I'm a first rate image gawker and find the UBC plant images to be generally first rate. If you like all plants, you'll like the UBC Web site. Cordially, Joe Conroe, TX Cold tonight, perhaps a few degrees of frost