First flowers of the New Year

Jay Yourch
Thu, 04 Jan 2007 20:17:49 PST
Hi Jim,

I have never tried to purchase Leucojum vernum, but they arrived  in an order I 
placed for L. aestivum.  The plants that I think are L. vernum are much smaller 
overall, bloom earlier, have fewer flowers per scape, and set seed readily 
compared to L. aestivum.  I have planted Leucojum aestivum and what I think are 
L. vernum in very moist soils where I have managed to kill many Narcissus (too 
moist during the summer?), so they are never lacking water.  They bloom reliably 
and are increasing by division and seed, so I think they are all happy.

Some generous PBS members have also shared bulbs of Leucojum autumnale (Acis?) 
with me, but I have them on a very well drained gravelly slope filled with tree 
roots, not in muck like the others.  They have been happy there and are steadily 
increasing also.

Happy gardening,


Jim McKenney wrote:

Jay, does Leucojum vernum do well for you? Although I've had plants of this
species in my garden for decades, they have never seemed really prosperous.
They bloom and sometimes set seed, but there is always a sort of halting
quality about their performance.

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