Narcissus 'February Gold'

James Yourch
Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:53:28 PST
Hi all,

As the name suggests, this early blooming, cyclamineus hybrid usually
blooms in my central North Carolina garden during February. This year
it's off to an early start and blooming in early January.  We will drop
into the low 20's F(-5C) tonight, but I don't think that's cold enough
to damage them.

Here's a link if you are interested in taking a look:…

A week or so ago I mentioned a Leucojum of uncertain identity blooming
in my garden.  I had suggested that they might be L. vernum, but I was
not sure.  John Grimshaw thoughtfully provided some help identifying my
plants and based on the flower size and quantity, bloom time, and
overall plant size they are most likely L. aestivum ssp. pulchellum.
Thanks, John!

Now that I am sure that I don't have L. vernum, maybe that's the one to
try next, if I can find a place in the garden where they'll be happy.



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