Crocus laevigatus

Jim McKenney
Wed, 03 Jan 2007 19:45:27 PST
Sometimes in gardening it's hard to decide if what we observe is the norm or
an exception to the norm. 


I've grown Crocus laevigatus for years, yet this year I think I'm beginning
to understand something about it which I did not previously realize. 


My original stock of this plant is now many years old, and it generally
blooms in mid-winter; in the typical crocus line up it blooms after Crocus
imperati and before C. korolkowii. 


A plant from Jane McGary bloomed last year for the first time with a small,
misshapen flower in late autumn. I assumed that the misshapen flower was due
to what I took to be an abnormal flowering season (a full month before my
established plants). This year that same plant produced a lovely flower
weeks ago - again very early. The long established plants on the other hand
are in full bloom now.


Until this evening I attributed this disparity in bloom time to chance. But
I got an email from another local gardener who, in commenting on the
flowering of his Crocus laevigatus now, called it an autumn-blooming
species. I had never thought of it as an autumn-flowering species, but the
plant from Jane McGary seems to be just that.


It seems that there are autumnal-blooming forms and mid-winter-blooming form
of this species, and apparently I now have both  Or is this species better
described as an opportunistic bloomer - a plant which blooms when the
weather seems propitious? For the record, all of my plants came under the
name Crocus laevigatus 'fontenayi'. 


When does Crocus laevigatus bloom for others? 




Jim McKenney

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7

My Virtual Maryland Garden


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