I have seedlings from (Hippeastrum x johnsonii x Sprekelia formossissima) x self both 1 year and 2 year babies in pots that are from crosses I made. The H. x johnsonii appears to be the real thing as it is somewhat more gracile than some of what I take to be later confusions with the original or latter-day similarly colored Hippeastrums that have broader tepals. It was about 18" , with 4 flowers (bought on eBay) from a lady in the South who said that she had had it her garden for many years. One crop is a self from a Hippeastrelia labelled 'Durga Pradhan', the other was my repeat of the cross, and not properly designated as DP. Don't know if johnsonii is triploid. I suspect that it is not. ----- Original Message ----- From: "J.E. Shields" <jshields@indy.net> To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:21 AM Subject: Re: [pbs] Crossing Hippeastrelia > Hi all, > > Is Hippeastrum x-johnsonii a triploid? Is it ever fertile? > > We used its pollen a year ago and set pods on a couple of plants, > including > H. evansiae and a big commercial hybrid. Putting pollen on johnsonii > itself gave us no seeds. >