long-blooming Nerine undulata

Diane Whitehead voltaire@islandnet.com
Sat, 26 Jan 2013 13:39:21 PST
I find it amazing that Nerine undulata blooms for such a long time.   
It began well before Christmas and has two buds still to open. The  
first flower has formed seeds, but even so, each flower remains in  
good condition for a long time.

Last year I noted that it was in bloom for December, January and  
February, but I don't think it was for the whole of each of those  

Next year I will try to remember to make a note of the actual day it   
opens its first flower, as I'm curious as to how long it flowers.

It is in a small pot in my unheated greenhouse which usually maintains  
the same temperature as outside but doesn't freeze.  So it is usually  
about 5C all winter.  (about 40F).

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
cool mediterranean climate
moderate dry summers, moderate rainy winters
68 cm rain (27 in)

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