Richard L. Doutt Bioquest

Kirby Fong
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:51:41 PST
Dear Jim,

It's taken me a while to remember where I put the catalogues, but I have two from BioQuest
International.  One is dated May 1990.  The other has no date but looks like it was postmarked
May 1992 and announces Richard Doutt's book "Cape Bulbs" with publication date scheduled
for late 1993.  There is little information about Lapeirousia enigmata.  It is catalogue number
371.  The very brief description says "5 in. Cream with purple marks. CI. $1.50"   In the
introduction of the catalogue it says, "Some species are of intrinsic interest only to plant
breeders or committed collectors of a particular group and are less exciting to general
gardeners.  These we designate as CI (Collector's Item)."  That's all there is.  It was listed
in both catalogues.  Richard Doutt lived in Montecito, a suburb east of Santa Barbara,
California.  I visited him once.  At that time he was still growing South African bulbs,
and he grew them in a vast collection of pots in front of his home.

     Kirby Fong

On Jan 23, 2013, at 11:13 AM, James Waddick wrote:

> Dear Pbs ers,
> 	Earlier I asked if anyone knew of Lapeirousia enigmata and got no leadds. Since then I have traced it back - possibly to a mid 1990s listing from Bioquest International  and the late Richard L. Doutt.
> 	Can someone please fill me in some on the nature of this venture? Did he sell seeds, plants, wild collected? Anyone have a list with this bulb on it? 
> 	Many thanks for any help. 		Best		Jim W. 
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