OT - Seed list Alert - Filters

Laura & Dave toadlily@olywa.net
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:13:24 PST
Hi Elaine, All
   Regarding not seeing Bx announcements, may I offer a suggestion that may help 
on your end, if you're not already doing it?  This is to set up folders 
(sub-directories) and filters.  All browsers that I'm aware of support these 
features.  At least in Firefox, folders that have new messages are highlighted.
   On our computer, where multiple people use the email, I have a folder called 
'Dave'.  Within this folder there are numerous subfolders for various 
categories, including one for the PBS, where all the PBS list messages are 
sent.  Within that folder, there are two more folders, one for the Bx 
announcements and one where I manually store (moved from the sent folder) the 
requests I make for all the 'treasures' that are offered.
   Once the folders are in place, you can create the filters that automatically 
sort your mail.  You can create these by going to the tools menu (in Firefox), 
and setting up the sort criteria. This can take some experimentation for more 
complex sites like the PBS.  On my browser, for each incoming message, the 
filter looks at the Reply-To field, sees if it Contains the phrase 
pbs@lists.ibiblio.org, and if it does Moves the Message to the PBS folder.  I 
don't actually use a filter to isolate the Bx announcements, but one could add a 
second filter (it should run before the one just described).  I'd suggest trying 
a filter with three search clauses (use the + button in the filter template).  
Try (1st clause) Reply-To; Begins With pbs@lists (2nd clause) Subject; Contains 
BX-  (third clause) Subject; Doesn't Contain Re: (Action) Move-To <your 
subfolder name>.  This won't be perfect, but should catch all the announcements, 
since there aren't any announcements withSX- in the title (yet!).  As I 
mentioned, this can involve a bit of experimentation, and of course all browsers 
behave differently.
   I know that this is a bit long winded.  If you or anyone else wants some help 
with this, contact me OFFLINE and I'd be happy to work with you.  I have 
Firefox, Opera, and IE installed on our PC type machine.

Good Gardening,
   Dave Brastow

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