dormant seedlings
Sun, 20 Jan 2013 20:01:47 PST

Most of the SA bulbs  I grow I leave for 2-3 years in the same pot they were germinating in.  I found a complications trying to repot them.  The small bulblets are very easy to confuse with perlite which I find in many potting mixes.


On 01/20/13, Ina wrote:

Last year I sowed various seeds, some of which are Moraea, Babiana and 
Rhodphiala. These are mostly going dormant now. Should I leave them in 
the container as they are now for another year? My concern is that 
there will be little food value when they start growth again. Or should 
I plant them in fresh soil now?

 Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand Zone 10

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