Name Changes in Massonia

Hans Huizing
Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:32:27 PST
Thanks for your contribution Cameron.
You arguments are so right!
I fully agree.

Kind regards,

Hans Huizing

*H. J. Huizing*

Wapendrager 38

7943 RP Meppel

Holland //
Tel: (0031) 0522-440717

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Op 17-1-2013 10:04, Cameron McMaster schreef:
> In supporting Mary Sue's standpoint on names in the wiki, we feel that although we are aware of various recent publications based on very limited evidence, we will for the present carry on using the names we know and are familiar with in the Overberg region and worldwide for that matter.  It is the considered opinion of some of our local botanists that descriptions based on a few plants collected from very few places in the wild or grown from seed in greenhouse conditions in Europe does not justify the changing of names of our local Massonias - which are in any case very variable.  Until a thorough and credible study has been done by experienced local botanists of all the widespread populations of the various forms of Massonia in the entire Southern Cape, let us keep to the names we know.
> Cameron McMaster
> African Bulbs
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