Crocus minimus id verification

Jim McKenney
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 11:31:35 PST
I really like those photos, Gastil. I wish more of us would do that. 

One caution to others trying this: when I first started to do photos like that (with a grid background), I went out and bought graph paper. Unlike Gastil's paper which is marked in a 1 cm grid, my paper had 1/4 inch grid on one side and 1/5 inch grid on the other side. When I took the pictures I did not keep track of which side I was using, so now I can only estimate the sizes from the grid. 

The Crocus minimus you show is the same plant I have received from two or three sources as Crocus 'Spring Beauty' or C. issauricus 'Spring Beauty'. If more of us kept images of the corms in circulation and people took the time to learn their crocus tunics, this would be a lot less likely to happen. 

I've enjoyed your other images, too.

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where spring has returned after what the Washington Post called the longest period of below freezing weather in six years. 

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