Plagiarized Images

Nhu Nguyen
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 10:50:55 PST
Thanks, Matt for the very nice post. It got my brain fired up in all
manners of interesting ways.

As a person who is not deeply involved in social media, I am hoping you can
clarify a few questions. When we post a photo, say to the wiki and someone
takes it an use it on their website without back-linking, then someone else
takes that photo and use it on their blog. How will the readers of the
website or the blog know where the photo came from originally? How can we
even track these photos if we want to know where it is being used? How can
this disconnect be used to spread words of the PBS? I imagine that the
benefits you talked about has to do with social media like re-tweeting a
Tweeter entry, or tumbling of a Tumbler entry where everything can be
traced back to the original source?


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Matt Mattus <> wrote:

> I think that one discussion here, should be more about - how can we engage
> MORE people to become engaged rather than discourage them.
> And then, a second discussion should be - how to tier out engagement - as
> only a few of these curious gawkers really want to engage as deeply as the
> 50 or so members who chat here.
> The critical fact is that even if a young person searches and discovers a
> rare bulb, this baseline interest is what may spark a deeper engagement in
> the future - it's entry level engagement. Today, a Google search may be the
> only place where a young person may see what we have. Their laptop is their
> library. The Internet is how they are discovering possible future
> interests.
> If they repost to a blog or their Pinterest page "cool check out this
> Tulip", then they may become a future member once they learn more.

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