Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature

Nhu Nguyen
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:48:08 PST
That's amazing, Mike. Here in this little area of Berkeley we got down to
27-28F for two nights already and one more night is expected. Most of the
bulbs seem to be doing fine, except for the real broad leafed plants like
Massonia. They seem to be a little wilty after a good frosty night but
eventually recover in a few weeks. They don't look as good however. Last
year from a freeze of similar magnitude I lost some tiny bulbs (Drimia
uniflora and Bulbine alveolata) because they were in smaller sized pots. I
was particularly sad about the cute little Bulbine. This year I forgot to
take the Ledebouria socialis 'Miner' into a protected spot and now the
exposed bulbs are like squishy grapes. I think the few hidden ones are
alive so I may be able to rescue it. It had grown into a nice clump so it's
sad to see it knocked back so hard.

P.S. I also hung Christmas lights; it feels festive now, and I can actually
enjoy the festiveness without the stress of the Holidays.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Michael Mace <>wrote:

> As usual for cold snaps in California, the weather was completely clear
> today.  The sun melted the frost on everything it touched, and by afternoon
> the pots were totally defrosted.  And the bulbs look just fine.  One pot of
> Tritonia crocata shows moderate damage, and a Brunsvigia marginata growing
> in the ground has some tip burn on its leaves, but those are literally the
> only problems I can find.  Lachenalias, Oxalis, Amaryllids.even the
> first-year seedlings look fine.

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