Photo use (was Facebook)

Matt Mattus
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:31:45 PST
I apologize Jacob, you are right. I over-generalized.

But like many, I am not a professional photographer - I shoot with a nice
camera, but it's always on Auto. So it's a personal decision which I make,
not to charge for my photos. Not that I allow people to use the without
permission, but when a magazine asks me to use my photos, I thank them and
allow them to use them, and rarely ask for credit (they usually offer it

I believe that charging would be an insult to the few professional or
serious enthusiasts out there ( like you) who take great care and use great
skill and talent with their craft.

As for eBay, that's an issue - certainly for professionals. If someone
really uses my photo to sell a bulb from their collection, it really doesn't
break me. If a catalog uses one, or a book, well that's another story.

Then again, I am a professional designer, so I certainly understand the
value of intellectual property, and your fine photos are indeed art, and you
should manage them as such.

On 1/21/13 9:44 PM, "Jacob Knecht" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I don't get to follow or post often here due to time restrictions but I saw
> Matt's comment and felt compelled to add a few quick personal thoughts:

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