Richard L. Doutt Bioquest

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:39:12 PST
Seed was offered for something with the name Lapeirousia enigmata 
in  BX 15 by Charles Hardman who is not an online member and in BX 
315 by Lee Poulsen. Perhaps Lee can tell us what it looked like.

Richard Doutt sold South African bulbs for a number of years through 
Bioquest International.  I remember enjoying reading his catalogs and 
ordered from him, but I don't think I kept any of them. I think he 
grew bulbs from seed (in his book Cape Bulbs he lists days from seed 
for a number of plants.)  Jim Duggan bought his stock when he closed 
down but I understood some of it was virused and Jim had to start 
over growing many of the species from seed. Jim might have knowledge 
about what is grown under this name.  It's not listed in Dout's book 
Cape Bulbs.

I believe a lot of seed exchange Lapeirousia seed is misnamed. A lot 
of it is probably Freesia laxa since it is easy to grow and sets seed readily.

Jim you could grow it and take a picture of it and see if anyone 
could identify what it is. I don't see it listed as a synonym for 
anything in the SANBI checklist.

Mary Sue

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