Name changes in Massonia

Sat, 19 Jan 2013 11:05:21 PST

Insights in evolutionary history and mechanisms continue to be
awe-inspiring. But if we reduce it completely, absolutely to time and
materials subjected to random processes, how can anyone justify the value
of a cloud forest or a rare Griffinia? By this philosophy it matters not at
all if the world is populated by a few organisms or millions. The
destruction of nature can be justified by this means.


On 19 January 2013 10:18, lou jost <> wrote:

> Dylan Hannon said "On another level, a reductive, materialist view of life
> denies any
> meaningful natural order. It posits merely random associations of molecules
> and environmental factors over time and space. How can this be reconciled
> with more traditional views, i.e., an intelligible natural world?"
> Dylan, the "more traditional view" you mention was overturned 150 years
> ago. Darwin's brilliant achievement was to show that the apparent order and
> design really is the result of random factors molded by natural selection
> and drift. That was one of the deepest insights in human history. And one
> of the most awe-inspiring.
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