Name Changes in Massonia

Thu, 17 Jan 2013 09:35:56 PST
At the same time, the current arrangement of names in Massonia is not
satisfactory. Alison van der Merwe, in her PhD thesis (c. 2002, unpublished
as far as I know) treats only a minimal number of species. M. echinata
remains a kitchen sink of incongruous entities even after the
Mueller-Doblies circumscribed it more concisely as a plant mainly
restricted to the area of Vanrhynsdorp and Nieuwoudtville. Some of the
plants depicted as M. echinata on the Wiki appear to be radically different
from each other and this undoubtedly confuses readers, myself included.
Certain distinctive massonias have recently been assigned "resurrected"
names or as new outright. This unevenness should not come as a surprise.
Taxonomy seeks better, clearer understanding for purposes of classification
rather than absolute stability.

Dylan Hannon

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