Is this available to non PBS members? -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Dell Sherk Sent: Monday, 28 January 2013 1:28 AM To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' Subject: [pbs] UPDATE on New Year Seed Sale Jan 27 Here is a repeat of the directions: Extra seed from the Pacific Bulb Society Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) is available now for a reduced price. See the list which is attached here. Seed that was harvested one year ago or less is priced at $1.25/pkt. All of the seed has been stored in cool, dry conditions to preserve its viability. A small shipping and handling charge will be added on each order. A bill will be included with your shipment. If you are interested in obtaining some of this seed, please email me at or mail your order to Dell Sherk, 6832 Phillips Mill Rd., New Hope, PA 18938. Orders will be filled on a first come first served basis, and some supplies are limited. You may order up to three packets of any one variety. Please order by the numbers to the left of the species list. Please be sure to include your mailing address. Orders will be accepted until February 15, 2013. Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX Here is an update of the list of items which are still available as of Jan 27: 4 Allium obliquum 5 Allium subhirsutum 6 Allium unifolium 9 Arthropodium candidum 13 Babiana stricta hybs. 14 Baeometra uniflora 15 Bowiea volubilis 21 Calochortus venustus, white 24 Cardiocrinum giganteum 27 Crocosmia x 'Lucifer' 30 Cyclamen persicum 35 Dierama pulcheririmum, purple 36 Dierama sp, white 37 Dierama trichorrhizum 41 Dracunculus vulgaris 42 Eucomis bicolor 43 Eucomis comosa, green/white 44 Eucomis comosa, mixed 45 Freesia laxa 50 Galtonia candicans 51 Galtonia regalis 52 Galtonia viridiflora 58 Habranthus andersonii 68 Lilium candidum 70 Lilium formosanum 72 Lilium leichtlinii var maximowiczii 74 Manfreda erubescens 76 Moraea striata 77 Moraea vegeta 79 Ornithogalum caudatum 80 Ornithogalum fimbriomarginatum 82 Paradisea lusitanicum 84 Rhodophiala bifida, carmine pink 86 Schizochillus nervosa 88 Sisyrinchium angustifolia 90 Sisyrinchium californicum 93 Tigridia pavonia 98 Tulbaghia maritima 99 Urginea maritima 100 Veltheimia bracteata