
aaron floden aaron_floden@yahoo.com
Thu, 03 Jan 2013 09:20:58 PST
To all who have an interest,

 I have built up a small website that gives an overview of the genera Disporopsis, Heteropolygonatum, and Polygonatum. There are some images, maps, discussion, taxonomy, etc. There are numerous links embedded throughout. There will be frequent updates as things change.

 As I have requested many times before; if anyone has collections of nearly any species with provenance of any of the above genera I am willing to buy or trade (Polygonatum or other items). Thanks to all who have sent material thus far. 

 If you want an ID for something from Chen Yi or other sources let me know. I might be able to provide one.
 All the best, 

 Aaron Floden
 Knoxville, Tennessee

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