Photo use (was Facebook)

Kipp McMichael
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 08:56:15 PST
  Although those you make their living by selling their photos or design work cannot be blamed for protecting them, I'm not sure why the rest of us should be so possessive of our images (or design, or writings or code). I say this is a person who has had my work "stolen" across many domains. 
  The photo used on ebay to sell a plant was the same one used by a bulb enthusiast to find a bulb for their collection. There is obvious slight of not giving credit, but inless the user is actually trying to take credit for the photo itself - shouldn't we instead be flattered?
  I spend time and effort on my photos, design and code. All that time and effort are repayed by my satisfaction in the finished product. I don't take a photo because I hope to take sole credit for it in public. If my photo is good enough, by whatever measure to, to gain a public use I interpret that as my contribution to the Public Domain. The Public Domain is getting smaller and smaller even in a world where people make so much more intellectual work because we are overzealous is "protecting" our intellectual property from things that don't actually injure it or us.

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