BX matters

ds429@comcast.net ds429@comcast.net
Sat, 26 Jan 2013 13:55:56 PST

Happy Australia Day to you, also. Joan Sutherland is my favorite Aussie, and you are a close second. Your package is in the mail. Fear not! 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Ceridwen Lloyd" <ceridwen@internode.on.net> 
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 4:45:59 PM 
Subject: Re: [pbs] BX matters 

Hi Dell, 
Did you receive my email ok about the end of year seed sale? 
I should be fully paid up with renewal and seed dues. 
I'll re-send if not (fritillaria mostly but I'll need to find the old email for the numbers) 
Happy Australia Day, 

Sent from my iPhone 

On 27/01/2013, at 5:04 AM, "Dell Sherk" <ds429@comcast.net> wrote: 

> Hi All, 
> Treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg informs me that some of you who participate in 
> the BX are slow to send in your payments. I know that almost every one of 
> you eventually pays his bills, but it makes it so much easier for us to keep 
> track of things when you pay in a timely fashion. I don't think that you 
> need to pay a $5.00 charge immediately, but we do have a policy that 
> accumulated bills that add up to more than $30 could lead to denial of 
> participation in the BX. 
> The end-of-year-sale has been very popular. Orders will still be accepted 
> until February 15, 2013. About half of the items are still available. I will 
> send out a list of the items that remain. 
> Finally, I hear that there are still quite a few 2012 members who have not 
> yet renewed for 2013. It is such a bargain to receive the BULB GARDEN 
> magazine four times a year and to be able to participate in one of the best 
> bulb and seed exchanges in the world, both for only $20/$25, that I cannot 
> imagine why anyone would not renew. 
> Best wishes for a Happy Growing New Year ! 
> Dell 
> Dell Sherk, PBS BX 
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