Seriously Facebook

Steve Marak
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:31:07 PST
Neither slings nor arrows here, Jim. 

Since I carefully avoid Facebook myself, I wasn't aware that we had a PBS 
placeholder page. I'm glad we do. The other groups to which I belong that 
have Facebook pages use them for exactly the purposes you suggest (why 
else have it, other than to keep someone else from owning it?).

In smaller groups, finding people who will conscientiously administer it 
over the long haul can be difficult. In a group this size, it would 
probably be easy. 


On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, James Waddick wrote:

> Dear PBSers,
> 	I find this Facebook discussion totally inane.
> 	1. There already is a FB PBS page - a place holder pages when PBS 
>          turns up in member's like notation and it includes a number of 
>          active PBS members. Been there over a year.
> 	2. Comparing FB to PBS or the wiki is worse than apples to oranges 
>          - more like rock, paper and scissors.
> 	3. There are already numerous bulb oriented groups on FB (and 
>          Yahoo and other social networks) that know little or nothing of 
>          PBS.
> 	4. Back in the dark ages when I was interim President, of PBS I 
>          suggest PBS take over the place holder setting' on FB and use 
>          FB as an intro to PBS and more serious bulb discussion. I was 
>          roundly and rudely put down.
> 	5. I suggest that PBS does take on ownership of the FB page and 
>          manage it intelligently to encourage the casual fleeting FB 
>          discussions and urge potentially more serious individuals to 
>          consider joining our PBS group.  The two groups should not be 
>          in conflict. PBS and further PBS would benefit from similar 
>          interactions with other FB bulb pages and web groups. I 
>          personally think that PBS needs more and wider range of 
>          members.
> 	6. Maintain the current high standards of PBS discussion.
> 		OK let the slings and arrows begin.			Best		Jim W.

-- Steve Marak

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