Dear PBSers, We've had a roller coaster winter continuing our year of weather woes. Drought continues and the ground is literally dust for the first inch or so - then moist. Two days ago we had a record around 75 degrees F. Sunny with a mild breeze it was bizarre to say the least. The warmth worked and suddenly there were half a dozen clumps of Crocus 'Firefly', almost always the first to bloom here and very welcome, too. They clump up nicely to form individual bouquets in the the garden. Iris unguiculares hangs on and popped out 2 flowers in the warm sun. It has been putting out a flower here and there for over a month- any sunny day above freezing seems to push up a bud. It really shouldn't be hardy here in my Zone, but I won't tell it. Iris cretensis seems slower to develop. A warm couple of days a week ago produce a bud, just emerging from the sheaths and chowing color, but the next freeze kept it from blooming. Galanthus are just starting with the first show going to G elwesii monostictus, then our "Mighty Atom - NOT' - A look alike to 'S. Arnott' which followed closely. Almost 30 new acquisitions over the last couple of years are primed to bloom this spring and many are showing color. So if we settle into milder weather, we'll see a show. Foliage is popping up in some spring Lycoris, Leucojum, Narcissus and others. But after the record warm we are below freezing, have an inch of snow and a bit more blowing around with a forecast of single digits. We are supposed to warm up to the 50s in a week or so and we are looking forward to even more early signs of spring. Best Jim W. James Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd Kansas City, MO 64152-2711 USA Phone 816-746-1949