Crocus minimus id verification

Jim McKenney
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:13:22 PST
Jane wrote: "I don't think Gastil's photos show C. biflorus ssp. isauricus (note spelling), because the style of C. biflorus is generally more deep 
orange than light orange, and it is more deeply divided than what 
appears in the photos. Also, corms of C. biflorus have a different 
type of tunic, called "annulate," that is, splitting crosswise near 
the base into rings of tissue."

Jane, that's exactly what I was trying to say. In other recent posts I pointed out that the plant in general commerce sold as Crocus isauricus 'Spring Beauty' is NOT C. biflorus in any form - and that the give away is the non- annulate corm. The plant I have received from several sources as C. isauricus 'Spring Beauty' is in fact Crocus minimus. 

In response to this, I think it was Roland who cited the grower who grows the true Crocus isauricus 'Spring Beauty'. So there evidently is such a thing. But I don't think anyone responded with a source for the general public for this plant. 

Jim McKenney

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