January 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 10:13:26 PST
Ending: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 19:06:52 PST
Messages: 504
- 2012 Images Added to the Edgewood Gardens Web Site John T Lonsdale
- 2012 Images Added to the Edgewood Gardens Web Site John T Lonsdale
- growing Zephyranthes seed Lee Poulsen
- The Bulb Garden Jane Merryman
- 2012 Images Added to the Edgewood Gardens Web Site Leo A. Martin
- Patersonia Kathleen Sayce
- Question about reticulata irises Mary Sue Ittner
- germinating seeds of Zephyrantheae Crane, Charles F.
- Pictures of Paramongaia and Pamianthe in high solution needed Anders Bo Petersen
- Weed around spiny plants & geophyte cactus Leo A. Martin
- growing Zephyranthes seed Leo A. Martin
- coyotte damage Richard
- The Bulb Garden Youngs
- Massonia sp. Hans Huizing
- Polygonatum aaron floden
- Lilium martagon Jane Merryman
- Massonia query from Hans Hizing Cameron McMaster
- Ismene Robert Hoel
- Rhodophiala seeds Hans Huizing
- Rhodophiala seeds Hans Huizing
- Massonia chromosome numbers Crane, Charles F.
- What's in Bloom J.E. Shields
- new bulb cultivar registration Nhu Nguyen
- new bulb cultivar registration Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs
- tebuconazole Gastil
- tebuconazole Crane, Charles F.
- Worsleya The Silent Seed
- Hippeastrum yungacense? Kiara Mary Sue Ittner
- again help needed Bulborum Botanicum
- Oca Floral Architecture
- Tristagma recurvifolium or Ipheion sessile J.E. Shields
- Oca Leo A. Martin
- Massonia depressa Napier Hans Huizing
- Introduction and So Glad I Found You tony.joe@comcast.net
- Massonia depressa or M. pustulata ? Antigoni Rentzeperis
- Pacific Bulb Society 2013 New Year Extra Seed Sale Mary Sue Ittner
- Anemone virginiana Dennis Kramb
- OT re Carolyn Fra Ina
- Leftover seeds Q: and Idea Gastil
- New Year Sale ds429@comcast.net
- Hippeastrum yungacense? Kiara eGreen Gardens
- New Year Sell "Jutta Mäsgen"
- Introduction Peter Taggart
- Gladiolus information PJOSPUX@aol.com
- freezes along California coast Gastil
- Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature Michael Mace
- OT Name required Ina
- Introduction (Facebook Groups) Eugene Zielinski
- Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature patty allen
- Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature Jane McGary
- Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature Gastil
- Freezing bulbs: Duration vs. low temperature Leo A. Martin
- Massonia Wiki Dietrich Müller-Doblies
- Policy on naming off plants on the wiki Mary Sue Ittner
- Thermometer accuracy Leo A. Martin
- Name Changes in Massonia Alan Horstmann
- Name Changes in Massonia Cameron McMaster
- Bulbs,corms and tubers arnold140@verizon.net
- Bulbs,corms and tubers Gastil
- A reminder about the naming of plants Rodger Whitlock
- Thermometer accuracy Leo A. Martin
- Name Changes in Massonia Leo A. Martin
- Bulbs,corms and tubers Youngs
- Bulbs,corms and tubers- colchicum corm Youngs
- Red Lily Bug J. Denys Bourque
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Bulbs,corms and tubers- colchicum corm Youngs
- Bulbs,corms and tubers - facebook links Youngs
- was Bulbs,corms and tubers- Facebook question Youngs
- Moraea tortilis Tim Chapman
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Bulbs,corms and tubers- colchicum corm MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Red Lily Bug J. Denys Bourque
- Bulbs,corms and tubers- colchicum corm MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Botany in the funny papers Jane McGary
- Red Lily Bug Eugene Zielinski
- Red Lily Bug arnold140@verizon.net
- Red Lily Bug Eugene Zielinski
- Red Lily Bug arnold140@verizon.net
- dormant seedlings Ina
- Rain Lily june sa
- Red Lily Bug Leo A. Martin
- dormant seedlings arnold140@verizon.net
- Red Lily Bug arnold140@verizon.net
- Red Lily Bug Eugene Zielinski
- dormant seedlings Bill Richardson
- Facebook Page Bulborum Botanicum
- Facebook Page Paul T.
- was Name changes in Massonia>now fundamentalist Christians and their views lou jost
- Some toughs on FB: James Wood
- (no subject) kuang huang
- Seriously Facebook Michael Mace
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Photo use (was Facebook) Jacob Knecht
- Seriously Facebook Eugene Zielinski
- Plagiarized Images Judy Glattstein
- Seed List Alert elaine
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- List/Wiki/Facebook/Forum Mary Sue Ittner
- Plagiarized Images Jane McGary
- Reinvigorating garden clubs, was Plagiarized Images Jane McGary
- Back to Bulbs Jtlehmann@aol.com
- OT - Seed list Alert - Filters Laura & Dave
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 332 Dell Sherk
- Name changes in Massonia lou jost
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 332 CLOSED Dell Sherk
- Pacific Bulb Society BX 332 Eugene Zielinski
- Prosartes hookerii seedlings Kathleen Sayce
- Iris coccina BX 332 ang.por@alice.it
- Jstor Plant Science Alberto Grossi
- R: Jstor Plant Science Alberto Grossi
- Posting bulb photos elsewhere Rodger Whitlock
- Jstor Plant Science Jane McGary
- Richard L. Doutt Bioquest Eugene Zielinski
- Richard Doutt and lapeirousia enigmata Michael Mace
- Jstor Plant Science Jane McGary
- Zephyranthes grandiflora Ina
- Double-flowered Zantedeschia question Michael Mace
- doubles of everything Linda Foulis
- Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris 2012-13 Online Seed Exchange Dennis Kramb
- Heresy warning: A new Lachenalia hybrid Michael Mace
- Gladiolus gracilis ang.por@alice.it
- BX matters Dell Sherk
- Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris 2012-13 Online Seed Exchange Kathleen Sayce
- Gladiolus gracilis Gastil
- pbs Digest, Vol 120, Issue 47 Leo A. Martin
- Lachenalia chromosome counts Leo A. Martin
- long-blooming Nerine undulata Diane Whitehead
- Scadoxus multiflorus ssp katherinae Ina
- BX 319 #2 arnold140@verizon.net
- Gladiolus gracilis arnold140@verizon.net
- Gladiolus gracilis Gastil
- UPDATE on New Year Seed Sale Jan 27 Dell Sherk
- R: pbs Digest, Vol 120, Issue 49 ang.por@alice.it
- Gladiolus gracilis Michael Mace
- Gladiolus gracilis arnold140@verizon.net
- UPDATE on New Year Seed Sale Jan 27 (Schizochillus nervosa) Eugene Zielinski
- BX names Mary Sue Ittner
- Iris coccina / ea etc iain@auchgourishbotanicgarden.org
- US postal rate increase ds429@comcast.net
- New Year Seed Sake Robert Werra
- Glad gracilis Alan Horstmann
- Iris collina iain@auchgourishbotanicgarden.org
- Crocus minimus id verification Gastil
- Crocus minimus id verification Jane McGary
- Crocus minimus id verification Gastil
- Iris sintenisii iain@auchgourishbotanicgarden.org
- photographing corms on grids Gastil
- Iris collina resurrection Leo A. Martin
- Gladiolus gracilis ang.por@alice.it
- Iris collina ang.por@alice.it
- Zantedeschia Rod's Red Jane Merryman
- What's flowering this week January 28 Jane McGary
- photographing corms on grids MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Etlingera Venusta "Malay Rose" Dee
- photographing corms on grids Gastil
- What's flowering this week January 28 or persistence Kathleen Sayce
- Habranthus brachyandrus Ina
- What's flowering this week January 28 in Kansas City Eugene Zielinski
- Iris collina resurrection Eugene Zielinski
- TREASURER'S NOTES. arnold140@verizon.net
- Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland elaine
- What's flowering this week January 28 in Kansas City Eugene Zielinski
- Crinum thaianum Eugene Zielinski
Last message date:Thu, 31 Jan 2013 19:06:52 PST
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:38:12 PST