Asarum canadense
Joe G (Wed, 06 Jun 2018 08:48:04 PDT)
I received some Asarum canadense seed from the NARGS seedex this winter -
they were mixed in with moist vermiculite and required a stratification
period before germination, but kept just fine for roughly half a year
before they were distributed and germinated this week following another
disaster that cut power to my dedicated plant & beverage fridge.
The seeds have elaiosomes like trillium etc. and so should be enclosed in
drawstring bags before the capsules split so ants don't carry them all off.
I purchased some inexpensively from the party favor section of the nearby
evil big box store.
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018, 11:20 AM Dennis Kramb <> wrote:
I have a huge patch of Asarum canadense. I think that it has never been
offered in the PBS BX so I got the idea to try that this year. I've been
reading online that seeds must be planted fresh or kept refrigerated. Does
that mean sending them through the BX would be futile? And strangely, I
can't find any information as to when the seed pods actually ripen. Does
anyone know (even approximately)?
My Asarum canadense is not particularly noteworthy in size, shape, or
color. So I wonder if there'd be much demand for it in the BX? What do
you think?
Dennis in Cincinnati
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