Help needed for Hippeastrum book
John Willis (Sun, 17 Jun 2018 19:04:39 PDT)
Hi Jane, it sounds like Nhu Nguyen has this well in hand for you but just for reference for others who might have to struggle with similar issues I have found Dropbox works quite well for sharing large scale files. I did a photo book with friends that was hundreds of megabytes of photos using dropbox as the gathering point for the photos. The others used just the 2 GB free allowance while I chose to buy an annual account with 100 GB of storage. The software is very easy to install and use for shared projects such as you describe. There are other such cloud-based systems for sharing files and all it takes is mutual agreement to access the files. At this point I use dropbox to share home videos with friends and family. Let me know if you still need help with your project. I don’t need payment. — John Willis
On Jun 17, 2018, at 3:52 PM, Jane McGary <> wrote:
I'm writing this in the morning, when I can be calmer about the subject than I felt last night. As mentioned before, PBS is going to publish, at least online, the monograph "Hippeastrum in Bolivia." The authors have, however, submitted the numerous photos in a format that I had to download from the cloud (succeeded, I think), and it turned out to be in the .rar compressed format, which I could not deal with. Nhu Nguyen kindly extracted some of the photos for me, but the result is, according to the woman who is going to lay out the pdf, "too tiny." Whatever that exactly means. I'm putting out a desperate plea for someone reading this who is familiar with coping with such matters. The downloaded folder is 150 MB, too large for me to email, so I will have to burn it on a CD or DVD and send it to you by postal mail. Don't even ask about having it put on the cloud! And I can't send it directly to the designer, because her new computer does not have a CD/DVD drive "because they must have thought nobody needed one now." Whoever deals with this can communicate directly with her and may be able to send things via a cloud site, which I can't do.
Please, if you can help us get these photos out of their format into jpgs of good resolution, write to me soon!
In hope,
Jane McGary
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