Growing Mirabilis longifolia
Judy Glattstein (Sun, 24 Jun 2018 16:54:11 PDT)

I did not anticipate so much interest in Mirabilis longifolia. Here is
how I keep mine, and a few more images that I just took.

The thick plastic pot has an inside diameter of 15 inches. The longest
shoot / stalk is 44 inches from base to tip. There are three main
shoots  and a couple of small ones, well separated where they emerge
from the tuberous crown. Flower buds are forming now, and the first 2
from each cluster are beginning to elongate. Thus each cluster flowers
in a sequence rather than all at once. Prudent for flowers that remain
open for only one night.

The pot is moved outdoors when our conditions are frost-free. Often the
shoots will have begun to make a small appearance before then. The pot
stays outdoors in a sunny place. I do water when I'm watering any other
pots in the area. In autumn and before frost there is usually a dry
spell. That is when I move the pot back into the garage as I'd rather do
so as it is drying off rather than wet. Stem / stalks collapse and
shatter joint by joint.

Then back to ignoring it until the following spring.

regards from Judy in New Jersey where the atmospheric grumbling suggests
we'll shortly have a thunderstorm
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