Smithiantha TS-B5
Anna Mae Miller via pbs (Fri, 15 Jun 2018 03:41:48 PDT)
Sean was at the Region 6 meeting at Lansing and I talked to him in the Hollingworth garden and that is where I met you 2. Sorry you didn't come. I love all the pbs comments you make. Wish I was close enough to get an extra 1/2 from you and learn new plants. anna mae miller
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Kramb <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 12, 2018 7:21 pm
Subject: [pbs] Smithiantha TS-B5
The seeds offered in today's SX10 are of a Smithiantha hybrid with pure
white flowers with ivory spots & yellow throats. Many of the flowers have
extra flower parts, so this selfing might produce semi-double offspring.
They also have the potential to be fragrant as several of TS-B5's siblings
To my knowledge there's no Smithiantha in the world that is semi-double or
Dennis in Cincinnati
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