Six feet tall and blooming in Portland: What is it?
Nathan Lange (Sun, 10 Jun 2018 11:35:52 PDT)
Hi Paul,
Your plants sound very interesting and significantly deviate from
anything I've ever seen before. Do you have pictures? What is the
source of your plants? Approximately, when did the foliage die back
this year? The foliage on my non-irrigated plants was still green a month ago.
The established colonies of bulbs in the Sacramento area (hot dry
summers) that I've seen consistently flower in late July into August.
Plants in cooler Sonoma County flower much later with the flowering
times seemingly correlated with when the foliage dies back. I have
never seen a plant in flower before July.
Sometimes, I get one of the old names, Scilla maritima, mixed up with
Scilla natalensis (Merwilla plumbea) which, in my experience, better
fits the flowering time you described. Any possibility of that? I
feel compelled to ask because April/May flowering Drimia maritima is
really unusual.
Does anyone else grow Drimia maritima in California that flower before June?
At 08:03 AM 6/10/2018, you wrote:
I have 6 or more in my Berkeley area garden. They are multiplying a bit too
fast. All bloomed this year and blooming finished about a month ago. The
leaves are now dying back.
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