Question regarding commercial advertising
Jo&Greg (Sun, 24 Jun 2018 15:29:08 PDT)
Thanks for the additional info, Tom.
Jo Canning
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs <> On Behalf Of Tim Eck
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 5:49 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
I would suspect this is the Canadian case you refer to:…
Tim Eck
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf
Of Tim Eck
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 8:38 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
This (in part) is what Monsanto had to say on the subject:
"Since 1997, we have only filed suit against farmers 147 times in the
United States. This may sound like a lot, but when you consider that
we sell seed to more than 325,000 American farmers a year, it’s really
a small number. Of these, we’ve proceeded through trial with only nine
farmers. All nine cases were found in Monsanto’s favor."
A very small number of farmers involved in patent infringement cases
with Monsanto have sought publicity around their cases, and have
characterized the company’s actions in a negative light. In some other
situations, outside parties have portrayed particular cases
negatively. We take exception to any misleading allegation of
wrong-doing. Our employees and contractors respect our customers and their property."
Apparently, the case you mention could only be one of these nine cases
that went to court so it shouldn't be hard to find. The anti-Monsanto
propaganda was much more prevalent on the web.
Tim Eck
“Time is nature’s way of preventing everything from happening at once.”
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On
Behalf Of Jo&Greg
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 3:47 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
Tim, with due respect, that was not the case.
Monsanto's original claim was that of willful intent to steal, but
when it was obvious it would not go forward because the defendant
proved in pre-trial
did not know his seed had been infected, and the infection of his
seed was undesirable ... he was an organic grain farmer. So the
Monsanto lawyers narrowed the legal argument to usage, not willful
intent to steal or profit, a de facto crime whether or not intended,
and that was how the company
the case. And I read the judge's statement. More importantly, I read
his comments, which the federal judge also specifically asked to be
published in Canadian media ... to wit ... that he (the judge) felt
the issue was a miscarriage of justice, that he was constrained to
find against the farmer, who was now bankrupt largely because of the
ruining of his grain, only because his power as a judge was limited
to a ruling that fell ONLY within
legal wording in the complaint. He said the Monsanto lawyers were
very careful to word their complaint just so, and so they won. The
judge said in words of one syllable that the farmer was right, and
further that Monsanto had used its power to destroy a farmer and
send a message to all who disagreed. He said that if he were able in
some legal way, he would have
only found against Monsanto, but forced them to pay all the legal
costs, pay back the farmer for lost harvest, and levied fines
against the company as large a fine as Canadian jurisprudence could allow.
So, whatever side of the GMO fence one lives one, I agree, Tom ...
of only reading only what you already agree with.
Jo-Ann Canning
Vancouver Island
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs <> On Behalf Of
Tim Eck
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 7:00 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
It's worth mentioning that "the horrible Monsanto cases" were
on the willful intent and action of a farmer to steal the RoundUp
from a neighbor's pollen source and breed his own RoundUp Ready seed
without compensating Monsanto. It's so easy to buy into
villainizing propaganda when you only get your information from "like-minded people".
Tim Eck
“Time is nature’s way of preventing everything from happening at once.”
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On
Behalf Of Jo&Greg
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:43 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
Perhaps a note or two regarding patented plants may help. My
comments come from my experience with publishing, and copyright
info in both USA and Canada ... copyright is slightly different
yet using the same underlying principles as a patent.
"Resale" and "propagation" and "commercial" all refer to
Non-profit organizations can offer books, plants, seed, etc., for
sale without crossing copyright -- and as far as I've found out --
patent regulations. Plant patents are also legally suspect. You
cannot patent a recipe or technique and the horrible Monsanto
cases against the grain farmers aside, some feel the change in the
plant is more like a recipe shift than something new or unique
(the DNA is not fundamentally changed), and natural self-sowing or
seed drift from
sources are outside the purview of an intent to retail a product.
That said, plants can at present be patented.
So, I'd go ahead and have that plant sale and seed swap. And
remember, though we are not a group of veggies farmers, when it comes to Big Hort:
"Control my food, control my politics, control distribution,
control my
Just my old-hippie-somewhat-anarchistic opinion.
Jo Canning
Vancouver Island, Canada
-----Original Message-----
From: pbs <> On Behalf Of
Jan Jeddeloh
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 4:10 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Question regarding commercial advertising
While we’re griping about Big Horticulture I’d like to add my
gripe about patented plants. I’ve been stung too often by
patented pretty faces and have learned that a patent does not
necessarily reflect the value or grow-ability of the plant,
although it seems like it ought to. Too often big nurseries
patent every tiny variation and rush the plant to market.
Sometimes it appears they apply for a patent just to lock up the
market for a year or two and then stop producing the plant once
the word gets out that it’s not a good doer. You go to the
nursery, are smitten with the pretty face, bring home your new plant whereupon it promptly dies. I’ve had this experience several times.
And don’t get me started on the million heucheras or coneflowers
out there. They are sold as perennials but most have an annual
life in your normal, less than perfect home garden. You know, the
home garden
that does not have the mythical well drained, evenly moist soil.
Patented plant are also becoming a problem for plant society plant
sales. I organize our NARGS chapter participation in the
Hortlandia sale and we have to watch that we don’t offer patented
plants. As more and more plants are patented it will become
harder to find plants we can propagate. Yes growing from seed it
great but many of our members want to donate divisions and cutting
grown plants. Plant tags get lost and it would be very easy to
inadvertently offer a patented plant
I realize plant breeders want to get some kind of return from
their investment of time and money but it shouldn’t be too much to
ask that the plants be good doers and truly unique. They should
also be adequately trailed. One or two years is just not enough.
I have found a couple of patented plants that are worth growing.
Geranium “Roxanne” blooms all summer, does not spit seed all over and is tough.
Salvia “Amistad”, while tender, puts on a great summer show and is
much beloved by bees and hummingbirds. It also seems rather silly
to patent plants that will self propagated. If it’s going to form
a big clump you can easily hack apart gardeners are going to share
it around. This takes no real skill. If you want to patent a
plant it ought to
require a bit of skill to propagate or you will lose the battle of
controlling its propagation.
To bring this back around to bulbs does anyone know of any
patented bulbs? I know Terra Nova at one point had applied for a
patent on a Cyclamen coum selection with a Christmas tree marking on the leaves.
I wonder if this was denied because it wouldn’t be hard to find
look a likes in many groups of coum seedlings. It’s not in their current catalog.
Jan Jeddeloh
On Jun 20, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Jane McGary
I've been purchasing plants and bulbs for about 35 years now.
I'm fortunate
to live in Clackamas County, Oregon, which has more nurseries than
any other US county, so "local" can mean anything from a daphne at
market to a viburnum from the big Monrovia fields on the other
side of the river. I buy some unusual cultivars and rooted
cuttings for cutflowers by mail order, mostly from specialty
nurseries. Most years I obtain some commercial bulbs for planting
out in front of the house
-- daffodils to distract the bulb fly from the good ones in back,
and crocuses for the bulb lawn, etc.
Almost all of my bulb "collection" has been grown from seed.
I agree with Robin that there's false advertising by large
nurseries, but small ones do so as well, especially in
cold- hardiness. They may not mean to, but if you're growing
plants on an island you don't have the same conditions as most of
your customers who live 150 km or more inland. Conversely,
nurseries in colder areas who keep all their stock in greenhouses
may produce plants that are hard to acclimate to outdoor
conditions anywhere. Growing your own from seed is likely to
result in losses, but the survivors will be easier to
and much cheaper.
Two years ago I had the experience Ellen mentions of buying a
shrub that
had been bulked up by keeping two cuttings in one pot, but I got
it at the farmers' market and the grower told me about it. It's a
hybrid daphne; I was able to disentangle the root systems, potted
them separately for a couple of months before planting out, and
now have two very fine shrubs. This spring I went on a spending
spree on Dianthus cultivars. One nursery sent me excellent plants,
but another's plants had been in their pots far too long (I
repotted them and waited until they recovered to plant them out).
I almost never put a purchased plant into the garden the day after
I get it. For one thing, you
have to watch them for disease.
As for bulbs that fail, it helps to understand the growth
cycles, natural
habitats, and structure of the particular species and genera.
Bulbs with strong tunics, such as tulips, can stand dry storage
much better than those without tunics, such as most Fritillaria. A
species native to rocky desert will survive storage better than
one native to river meadows. A species native to the alpine zone
may not flourish without a long winter dormancy (hence the plants
"hardy in Denver" that can't be grown in lowland gardens). It is
also instructive to learn how commercial bulbs are grown and
processed in the Netherlands, where they can be grown in sand,
heavily fertilized, protected from predators, lifted and kept in
warehouses controlled for temperature and humidity, and exported
in advantageous condition. After a month at Home Depot and
transfer to a home garden, they'll likely perform for a year but
that may be the limit of their adaptability. Moreover, controlled
conditions can suppress the activity of viruses, which may
resurface in the home garden; that's why all my tulips are grown
and I buy lily bulbs only from The Lily Garden, which I trust to
provide clean stock.
So read, read, read, and be prepared to lose some plants anyway.
You can
identify an experienced gardener by their possession of a big bag
of plantless labels.
Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA
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