Calachortus Weedii Propagation
Fred Biasella (Fri, 29 Jun 2018 09:19:04 PDT)

Hi Anna,

First of all, I have some really good rabbit recipes that I would gladly share with you. Secondly, I recommend you make copies and post them around your garden with a note saying "This could happen to you". Then maybe just maybe, you'll be able to share seeds :-)))


From: pbs <> on behalf of Ana Weimer <>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 11:36 AM
Subject: [pbs] Calachortus Weedii Propagation


I live in Murrieta on 5 acres next to the Cleveland National Forest. I have growing wild on my property Calachortus Weedii most of which have been eaten by the rabbits. This is the only one that got to bloom. How can I propagate this one? Do I collect the seeds and when? Or do I divide the bulbs? I plan to cage the existing plants next year to protect them from the rabbits. This is my favorite wild flower and am so lucky to have it naturally on my property and would love to know how to make more so I appreciate all the help you can give me. I am also willing to share!

All the best,

Ana Weimer

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