Allium seed
Jack and Val (Tue, 12 Jun 2018 06:21:34 PDT)

The onions that we eat are biennials, I believe, and should flower the second year. Over wintering
often results in making the period to flowering shorter. I’ve also been told that these seeds are only
viable for about 1 year. The North American Rock Garden Society lists many ornamental alliums in its seed exchange.
By the way, one of the gardens at UC Davis uses elephant garlic as a flowering plant.

California in the Sierra Foothills. Zone 8
On Jun 12, 2018, at 3:59 AM, David Pilling <> wrote:


On 12/06/2018 04:38, Linda M Foulis wrote:

I'm looking for seed of the more common alliums. Allium obliquum is first
on my list of wants. My seed was too old and nothing germinated sadly.
I'm also looking for A. flavum, A. karataviense, A. oreophilum, A.
paniculatum, and A. sphaerocephalon.

It is possible to grow onions from seed and get a crop inside six months - I wonder if any Alliums can be flowered that quickly.

I grew Allium cristophii from seed and it took of the order of five years.

David Pilling
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