Mirabilis longiflora
Luminita vollmer (Sun, 24 Jun 2018 14:22:15 PDT)
Thank you Judy for the pictures - I sometimes have to go find the plants
mentioned using the official names!
My rain lilies come in for the winter, and then in the spring I plant them
in the garden. over the years the number
grew from a dozen or so to hundreds. And this is after I give several bags
with a dozen or so to others.
I started with regular flowers, but now - I have those that have 7-8 or
more petals. I am attaching a picture I took a few
days ago in my garden.
On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 9:03 PM, Judy Glattstein <jgglatt@gmail.com> wrote:
I have had this plant for decades. The seed came, if my memory is correct,
from a friend who was working at Monticello. The by now rather large, dark
brown, rough textured cluster of tuberous roots - look like fingers
pointing downward from the single crown - lives in a pot year round,
spending the winter in the garage, ignored and un-watered.
It is doing quite well this year, probably because I gave it a substantial
top-dressing rather than just hauling it outdoors and giving it a drink of
I went to the wiki, and was surprised to find only one picture, comparing
seeds of M. jalapa and M. longiflora. None of M. longiflora flowers or
plant. Hopefully, I have attached two images of the flowers, from 2016 and
It always sets generous seed - would anyone be interested?
Judy in New Jersey where Habranthus martinez is nicely in bloom, and a
pink rain lily whose stamens appear to be equal lengths so I'll go with
Habranthus robustus. What say you all?
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