Six feet tall and blooming in Portland: What is it?
Charles Powne (Sat, 09 Jun 2018 15:09:10 PDT)
I clicked a photo of an absolutely stunning cluster of six-foot tall blooming beauties this morning at the corner NE 28th and Siskiyou in Portland. The homeowner happened to be outside, and was happy to tell me about how he purchased one grapefruit-sized bulb several years ago and planted it, and how it’s been multiplying ever since. He said he couldn’t remember what it was called. I was thinking bulbinella, but that genus is rhizomatous and probably can’t survive in this climate anyway.
Something tells me I’ll get the right answer here from a fellow PBS member. I’m hoping my photo comes through like it’s supposed to. If it doesn’t, I’ll try to figure out how to attach it properly.
Thank you,
Charles Powne
USDA zone 8b
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