Plant now or plant later?
Mary Sue Ittner (Fri, 01 Jun 2018 17:14:09 PDT)

These are offsets, maybe not flowering size. Since I don't live in a
climate where it gets really cold (coastal Northern California) I store
my tulips dry in paper bags in my house and then put them in the
refrigerator to chill in late October-early November and plant them in
December. This works for me with this species. Jane may have a
suggestion for Portland.

On 6/1/2018 1:51 PM, RC Weber wrote:

I just got my share from BX440 (Thank you!) and now have a question ....

Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha - should it be planted now or stored
until Fall and planted then?

If stored until Fall, under what conditions?

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