FW: Invitation Saunders Memorial
Mary Sue Ittner (Sat, 16 Jun 2018 15:27:23 PDT)

Below is the wording about the Memorial for Rod and Rachel Saunders. If
you want to send something that can be read you can email Andy at the
address below. You can make a contribution towards the book through
Silverhill Seeds by using PayPal or a credit card and Ondine will keep
the money separate, but it might be easier for her if you wait until
they have an account set up just for that.

'If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy'

We will be gathering on 2nd August at 2pm, at the R Saunders Trust
Property, Brackenfell,
to remember Rod and Rachel. Please join us to share memories and to
celebrate the richness
of what they brought to and left in the world.

Address: Smallholding, 31/222 Kruis St, Brackenfell. -33.898315,18.713790
Please RSVP to andy.frontierlab@gmail.com by 27th July 2018.

No flowers, by request. We plan to publish the book on Gladiolus sp.
that Rod and Rachel were working on and
donations to this end would be gratefully received. Details will follow.

Directions from Cape Town
From the N1:
Take Okavango Rd offramp.
Turn right, over the N1.
Turn Right at T junction into Old Paarl Rd.
Left at 1st traffic lights (Shoprite Warehouse on left), into Kruis St.
Property is approx 3km along Kruis St, on left.
Look for the sign that says R Saunders Trust, Frontier Lab.

From N2.
Take R300 offramp to N1/Paarl.
After approximately 10km, take Van Riebeek Rd offramp.
At base of offramp, turn Left into van Riebeek Rd and then immediately
1st right into La Belle.
At first traffic lights turn right into Bottelary Rd/M23
At 5th traffic lights, turn left into Kruis St.
Property is second entrance on right.
Please call Fiona (0820969239) if you need additional directions/assistance
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