Virused crinum
BarkingDogWoods (Wed, 06 Jun 2018 19:31:31 PDT)

Thanks, everyone. I decided I'd rather lose the 4 clumps/3 varieties than
risk my whole collection.

I can't put yard waste in my trash. Is it okay to burn these?

Lin in east Texas

PS - I noticed there were no photos of virused crinum on the web site. If
you'd like to use mine, feel free. If you need higher-res pictures, just
email me.

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of
Luminita vollmer
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 7:25 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Virused crinum

Hi Lin
What I know is that once infected, bulbs will not easily overcome viruses.
But letting one go to seed, and then growing new bulbs from seed will.
It may have already been mentioned here, sorry for duplication then. I wish
you good luck.


On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 6:42 AM, BarkingDogWoods <>

So I have a collection of crinum, nothing special or unique, and
unfortunately I think some of them are virused. It seems to be located
specifically in two clumps of Hannibal's Dwarf (from two different


that were separated by 100' or more. Neither clump has bloomed for me in
several years.

So my questions:
(1) Is this crinum mosaic virus?
(2) or is there something cultural that can cause this look to the leaves?
(3) The rest of my collection appears mainly free of these symptoms -
although I've dug up two suspect clumps whose leaves don't look 'right'.
there varieties that are more susceptible?
(4) Is there any treatment other than destruction of the affected plants?
(5) Finally, is there any hope of my isolating the virus and making sure
rest of my collection remains healthy?

Thanks in advance.

Lin in east Texas
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