From HK (Wed, 27 Jun 2018 20:08:06 PDT)
What is a sand plunge?
On Wednesday, June 27, 2018, Jane McGary <> wrote:
I'd recommend either a plunge, or keeping the pots in full shade. Sylvia
doesn't say whether the pots are plastic or pottery. My cyclamen species
that are not in the ground are in clay pots kept under my shaded plant
stands in summer, where a little water drips onto them so they are humid,
if not wet. In the Bay Area no species should need winter protection; I
keep C. rohlfsianum and C. creticum indoors under lights in winter here in
Portland, Oregon (colder than where Paul lives), and C. rhodense is in a
raised bed in the unheated bulb house. All the others are outdoors all the
time (I don't have C. libanoticum, C. persicum, or C. balearicum, also
rather tender). I don't think any species needs to be completely dry in
summer; indeed, there's a volunteer C. graecum in a heavily watered
perennial bed of very organic soil, and it flowered this year too.
Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA
On 6/27/2018 4:34 PM, Paul wrote:
I maintain many Cyclamen in pots five miles from the ocean near Brookings
OR. After killing many seedlings from over drying, I now keep my pots in a
sand plunge and water the sand over the summer. Cyclamen seem best served
in as small a pot as possible, but I discovered that if the roots desiccate
too much the plant is doomed.
Paul Otto
Brookings Or ( where the rain is absent from June to September)
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 27, 2018, at 4:00 PM, Sylvia Sykora <>
I’d be grateful for suggestions from those who grow Cyclamen in pots in
Northern California (Bay Area) or elsewhere with a similar lengthy summer
drought some heat, some abundant fog. C. hederifolium and C. coum seem to
take care of themselves in the ground even with summer water (the former
beginning to bloom this week before all the leaves have died down). But
small pots of other species baffle me. Do I keep them shaded and dry all
summer? Dry but in the sun? Can they take our sometimes abundant fog drip
from June through August? Do they need a sand plunge bed? And why did C.
cilicium put out fresh leaves and a few blooms two weeks ago? As the kids
say, “So, what’s going on?” In past years I’ve left the pots out on plant
stands, moving them out of fierce sun during heat waves and letting them
take what fog drip blows in from the ocean. I’m keeping seedlings in
their first and second year watered through our summer. Any ideas that
might work for a collection of small pots of these lovelies would be
Thank you.
Sylvia Sykora
Oakland, CA
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