Mirabilis jalapa
Jane Sargent (Sun, 24 Jun 2018 20:41:08 PDT)
In my other garden, the south Mexican one, Mirabilis jalapa is a flowery
weed that just pops up and fights to the death with Ruellia brittoniana.
A machete is the standard gardening tool. We have to keep these plants
under control, whacking at everything frequently, so that there will be
room for Megaspekasma erythrochlamys, my absolute favorite but probably
not a geophyte, the heliconias, and theZephyranthes. Palm trees and
bananas erupt. Cannas are perennials. The trick is keeping it all under
control so that the boas and tarantulas and jaguars won't live in it.
Here in the Massachusetts garden, in contrast, it is more of an
intensive care unit. We pray that the plants will grow and survive. We
fertilize them. We fuss.
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