Bloom color change?
Michael Kent (Thu, 28 Jun 2018 19:19:02 PDT)

I have several bulbs that I received as Cyrtanthus mackenii, red. In the
same order, I also received C. mackenii, pink. The pink bulbs didn't
survive long (nearly completely desiccated when received).

The bulbs from the bag labeled 'red' bloomed three times between October
2017 and February 2018. Each time, all of the blooms on the inflorescence
were pink in color. I was thinking it was a case of mislabeling. But, the
bulbs are now blooming again, and all the blooms on the inflorescence are
darker; a light red color.

During the winter, the pot was in a bright window, but had little direct
exposure to sunlight. Right now, it's in a high shade area with maybe four
hours of direct sunlight from early evening until sunset. Could the
difference in direct light exposure explain the several shades darker
blooms, or is it more likely to be explained as the bag labeled 'red'
actually being a mixture of red and pink bulbs?

For an idea of what I'm defining as 'pink' and 'red', look at the first
group of photos under C. mackenii on PBS Wiki, specifically photo # 4 by
Hans Joschko, the 'pink' color is fairly close to the color of the interior
of Hans' blooms. The 'red' color is fairly close to the exterior of Hans'
blooms. There is/was no pronounced difference in shade between interior and
exterior of the blooms on my plants.

Thank you in advance for any assistance rendered.

Z6a in the Finger Lakes
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