Help needed for Hippeastrum book
Nhu Nguyen (Sun, 17 Jun 2018 14:07:30 PDT)
Hi, Jane,
She might be complaining about the resolution of the images, which are
pretty big and should be ok for layout. I can work with her directly.
Please send me her contact info in a private message.
On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 9:52 AM, Jane McGary <>
The authors have, however, submitted the numerous photos in a format that I
had to download from the cloud (succeeded, I think), and it turned out to
be in the .rar compressed format, which I could not deal with. Nhu Nguyen
kindly extracted some of the photos for me, but the result is, according to
the woman who is going to lay out the pdf, "too tiny."
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