Dracunculus vulagris

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:32:58 PDT
Dear Friends,
	This has been a banner year for Dracunculus with a succession 
of 7 flowers over a week plus.

	Although I have grown it for years, it is still often listed 
as too tender for my location. Mine rarely get over 3 ft and a few 
seedlings giving their first bloom were mini-sized at a foot or so 
with tiny spathes.

	In Crete there are populations with white / cream/ yellow 
spathes that are very lovely, but still stinky.
	Under prime conditions it can reach to 7 ft in height. I 
suppose with a proportionately large , proportionally stinky flower. 
And finally there are some variants with well marked silvery 
'chevrons' on the leaflets and others with plain green leaves.

	Definitely a plant worth trying in hot, dry as well as moist, 
shady sites. Readily available and modestly priced.

		Best		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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