Looking for image of Crossyne flava for Chemistry textbook

Christina Micek cmicek@christinamicek.com
Tue, 02 Jun 2009 19:37:59 PDT

I am a freelance photo researcher for WH Freeman in New York.  We are
currently producing the new edition of Volhardt¹s Organic Chemistry.  The
author has asked me to find an image of the Boophane flava plant (which I
now know is called the Crossyne flava) or any plant that contains
Buflavin(but I am not sure which plants would contain buflavin other than
the Crossyne flava).  I saw that many members on this listserv have images
of the Crossyne flava on the Pacific Bulb Society website, but I didn¹t see
contact information.  Would anyone be willing to allow me to submit their
lo-res images for review to the author?  We will only need one image in the
end to illustrate the chemistry point.

If you are willing to submit images, and your image is chosen, we usually we
need a digital image file of 300 DPI 5² by 7², or about 8-12 megabytes in
size.  Some smaller files may also work, but those on the website (72 dpi)
usually are too small.  We could include a credit line of your choosing.

Here is the information on the textbook we are looking to use this image in:

Title: Organic Chemistry
Edition: 6e
Author: Peter Vollhardt and Neil Schore
Print Run: 20,000
ISBN: 142920494X
Territory: U.S./Canada
Language: English
Electronic and Print rights needed


Christina Micek
Freelance Photo Researcher

Brookline MA 02446 USA
617-435-1187 (phone)
617-566-0833 (fax)

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