Hardiness of Pinellia cordata

Ellen Hornig hornig@earthlink.net
Mon, 01 Jun 2009 18:36:09 PDT
No, it hasn't been long-term hardy here - the younger ones tended to live a couple of years and then disappear.  The only ones I have now are in pots.

Seneca Hill Perennials

-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Fikso <adam14113@ameritech.net>
>Sent: Jun 1, 2009 9:33 PM
>To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Hardiness of Pinellia cordata
>Pinellia cordata's hardiness is difficult to assess.  It's gone 
>hrough  -10°  here in the Chicago area in wood duff from a corkscrew willow 
>facing north but otherwise quite sheltered. I don't see it every year, but , 
>I won't be surprised to see it come up some time in June some time   To know 
>that it's growing in gravel in New Jersey is fascinating.  Clearly, you're 
>wasting pot space.  It's been hardy in upstate New York according to Ellen 
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Judy Glattstein" <jglatt@hughes.net>
>To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
>Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 8:00 PM
>Subject: [pbs] Hardiness of Pinellia cordata
>> How hardy is Pinellia cordata? I have a dozen or more little single-leaf
>> plants sprouting in the gravel of a narrow bed between front walk and
>> garage.
>pbs mailing list

Seneca Hill Perennials
3712 Co. Rt. 57
Oswego NY 13126
Phone: 315-342-5915
Fax: 315-342-5573

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