Germination, bloom, misc

James Waddick
Sat, 13 Jun 2009 09:21:24 PDT
Dear Friends,

1.	I have my own mini-experiment on germination of Gladiolus 
seeds to report on today.

	I got a packet of G papilio 'Ruby' seeds at the end of May 
well after I had planted all other seeds for spring. I thought I 
might as well try a few seeds to see if I could still get timely 
germination so I Googled the topic. The results were all over the 
place depending on which species of Gladiolus, and location. Nothing 
seemed really 'right' but the major difference were that seed 
germinated best at 40 F or 70 F. I put a small sample of seed in 2 
three inch pots of soil and placed one in the greenhouse at ambient 
60-90 F, and the other in the vegetable drawer of the fridge around 
40 F.

	I checked a couple times and found that in both pots the seed 
coat was deteriorating and the seed was swelled to a near sphere. 
Three weeks to the date multiple seeds began to germinate in the 
greenhouse. Nothing in the fridge drawer.  I brought the fridge bag 
into the greenhouse. I expect germination in a timely fashion

	So my from my small trial I can attest that G. papilo 'Ruby' 
germinates readily at warm temps.

2.	Last year we had a discussion about the seeming stubbornness 
of Ixiolirion to bloom well in many gardens. I have a few that bloom 
off and on, but after the discussion I cleaned up the patch, added a 
thin layer of good soil. I even tossed on a bit of 12-12-12 
	This spring we had (and still have) a very wet season.  The 
Ixiolirion have responded with an extra good show of deep blue purple 
flowers at their peak now.
	These are growing on a dry western (hot sun) facing slope 
along with Spuria iris, Manfreda and such.

3.	Seeming at odd with the above hot dry conditions, in a flat 
site at the north end of the garden, two patches of English Iris are 
now in bloom. These are among the latest of iris to bloom. The only 
later iris are the Japanese Irises and Iris dichotoma (formerly 

	Gardeners always want to extend the bloom season. By growing 
a wide range of species and their selections you can have bloom 
through July and almost up to when the reblooming iris begin the late 
summer season again.

4.	And last but not least I wan to herald the lily season. It 
has begun in earnest with various Asiatics starting things off. Years 
ago I got a deal and bought a lot of 'Connecticut King ' an early 
clear yellow Asiatic and it is popping up all over the front garden. 
Never enough to get boring.   Sorry no pic on the wiki, but easy to 

	L. michiganense, one of my favorites have abundant buds and 
just beginning to show color. More to follow.

	Just wanted to share a few 'views' of 'happening's' in the 
garden in Kansas City.	Best	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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