I guess that many of you will already know of the following two compilations of seed germination techniques. http://tomclothier.hort.net/ and http://www.onrockgarden.com/ I have used both, with some success, but I find that the germination regimes they prescribe are often unnecessarily complicated. Sowing seed on a sterile compost, covering with grit and leaving over winter in a cold frame works for me nine times out of ten (including for Narcissus and Tulipa seed, by the way). Top of my wish list for a truly valuable web-based seed germination guide would be some system for compiling feedback from people who have actually used the recommended techniques. For example (apologies for the non-geophyte example), I was curious about the suggestion on the Ontario Rock Garden Society website that rose seeds germinate more readily after scarifying with concentrated sulphuric acid. I divided a batch of wild-collected seed from a (still unidentified) rose species into batches of 50 seeds each and applied the following treatments: (1) no treatment; (2) soaking for 36 hours in water; (3) scarifying with sandpaper; (4) soaking for 6 minutes in 95% sulphuric acid followed by washing; (5) 12 minutes in sulphuric acid; (6) 30 minutes in sulphuric acid; (7) one hour in sulphuric acid and (8) three hours in sulphuric acid. The seeds were sown as described above and, one year later, the results are as follows: (1) no seedlings; (2 ) one seedling; (3) no seedlings; (4) no seedlings; (5) two seedlings; (6) six seedlings; (7) seven seedlings and (8)18 seedlings. In other words, the recommended treatment works beautifully, but only if you soak the seeds for at least three hours. This is an anecdote, not a scientific experiment that I'm reporting but loads of these anecdotes are being accumulated and then lost again every day. I think it would be mighty useful to have some systematic means of collating anecdotes into a useable web tool. Tom Mitchell, Zone 7, in the west of England.