Latest wiki additions

Jay Yourch
Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:36:17 PDT

Thank you for taking the time to photograph and add these plants to the Wiki.
It's the hard work of volunteers over many years that have made the Wiki the
resource it is today.  I also extend a big thank you to David Pilling for
testing, updating, and configuring our Wiki with new features.

I added a couple of new Crinums yesterday and photos of the recently
blooming sister seedlings of Zephyranthes 'Kathryn':

Crinum 'Thaddeus Howard'…

Crinum 'Pink Perfume'…

Zephyranthes 'El Cielo' × Z. 'Big Dude' seedlings:…


Raleigh, NC (Zone 7b)

Nhu Nguyen wrote:

I would first like to take this opportunity to thank David Pilling for the
behind the scene work he had been doing for the wiki. Most of the tools he
added are not apparent but helped the wiki functioned more smoothly. And of
course I should not neglect to mention that the new search feature for the
list archive is fantastic. Thanks, David!

The additions below aren't exactly the latest additions since some had been
added about 6 months ago. However, there are a few exciting species new to
the wiki.

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