Hello fellow geophyte enthusiasts. I have been thinking about joining one or the other of the bulb societies for a long time. At this point, what got me moving was finally buying one of those packages of Tigridia at the garden center and really loving them, looking for more on the internet, seeing the various species, reviewing my way through the various families and genera and species, etc. falling in love with the form, color and the convenience of dormancy which actually works in my favor as I have lots of plants, and many of them do go dormant leaving a space in my window for something else for awhile. My favorite families are so far: Gesneriacae - I am already in volved with this plant family. I grow several sinningias and various of the scaley rhizomatous plants. The only old world gesneriads I have are Chiritas. The Iris Family - I love all of them - especiall Moraea, the species Gladiolas, such as (if memory serves) G. pusilla, G. cerulia, G. equitans and G. alata - the ones with the green pendant lower petal). Chiondoxa are interesting to me, especially the fuzzy flowered chiondoxa. There are many others, and I am interested in seeing what you all have to say - taking the cotton out of my ears and stuffing it in my mouth for the time being (unless I get so desperate I need to beg for a tuber, rhizome or bulb and want to list what I have to trade for it or pay). At any rate, it is good to be with you now and I can't wait to see what you are all up to! Thanks Mark Zukaitis