My plants of Agave (Manfreda) virginica have finally put on some size, and I check them daily for signs of bloom (no signs yet, but it’s early). These are the oddest plants. Although at first glance they look like some sort of xerophytic plant, when you touch them there is a surprise: the foliage looks as if it ought to be turgid, but instead it’s floppy and rubbery. More than anything else it reminds me of a plant whose root system has rotted and whose leaves are flagging. Are any of you growing the Polianthes – Manfreda hybrids or the Polianthes – Agave hybrids in cold climates? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone 7 My Virtual Maryland Garden BLOG! Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society